What can cause reading problems? Many things from ADHD and vision problems, to auditory processing issues and dyslexia. But how do you as a parent know when your child needs reading help? If your child does any of the following, it may be time to have her assessed:

✴️ Inserts extra letters into words when reading

✴️Reads words in the wrong order

✴️ Ignores punctuation when reading

✴️ Subtitutes words that look similar, or that have similar meanings 

✴️ Doesn’t know the sounds of letters

✴️ May know a word on one page, but not recognize the same word on the next page

Read With Me 4 Life! does a comprehensive reading assessment that identifes in which areas your kiddo needs the most help. We then design a customized reading curriculum, providing intensive support in those areas, making a solid difference in  a relatively short time period.* This will set your child up for academic success. Schedule your FREE assessment today!

*Results will vary